I devote myself to fine-grained video understanding and its interaction with natural languages, with a special focus on VideoQA. The techniques emphasize video structural representation learning, large language models, robustness and interpretability. I am recently focusing on trustworthy Multimodal LLMs and their applications in egocentric embodied VQA Assistance. I am actively looking for Research Interns/Assistants/Visiting Students. (If you are interested in my research, please contact to junbin at comp dot nus dot edu dot sg. SoC master students who are with CV/NLP/MultiModal experiences are highly preferred.)
Invited to be reviewer in ICLR'25, CVPR'25, ICCV'25.
I will give a talk about NExT-GQA: Visually Grounded VideoQA inivited by Twelve Labs
Two papers about video-language models and trustworthy K-VQA are accepted to ACL'24 and MM'24 respectively
Our exploration of VQA in trustworthiness,3D object affordance and ego-car accident (3 papers) all are accepted to CVPR'24
Invited to be reviewer in CVPR'24 and ICLR'24.
Two papers are accepted to T-PAMI'23 and ACM MM'23 respectively.
Two papers are accepted to T-PAMI'23 and ICCV'23 respectively.
Invited to serve as PC Member in AAAI'24.
Invited to be reviewer in NeurIPS'23 dataset and benchmark track.
Invited to be reviewer in ACM MM'23.
Successfully defensed my Ph.D.
Thesis: Visual Relation Driven Video Question Answering. Supervisor: Prof. Tat-Seng Chua. Committee: Prof. Mohan Kankanhalli, Prof. Roger Zimmermann. Chair: Prof. Terence Sim
Invited to be reviewer in ICCV'23.
Invited to be reviewer in CVPR'23.
Receive the Dean's Graduate Research Excellence Award.
Invited to serve as PC member in AAAI'23.
One VideoQA paper wins the Best Paper FinalList in CVPR'22.
Featured Publications
Reviewer for Conference: NeurIPS(Y23, Y24), ICLR(Y24,Y25), CVPR(Y22-Y25), ICCV(Y23,Y25), ECCV(Y22,Y24), AAAI(Y21-Y25), ACL(Y24), ACM MM(Y19-Y24), EMNLP(Y24), ACCV(Y24), ICASSP(Y21-Y22) etc.
Reviewer for Journal: PAMI, IJCV, TIP, TMM, TNNLS, ToMM, IPM, etc